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District Activities
Other Activity in Rural Welfare Activities

Vanrai Hall Pune  December 30,2023

   4 Other Activity in Rural Welfare Activities-Model Village Project workshop was organized by MJF Lion Anil Mandrukar and our Club Lions Club of Poona West participated in this whole day workshop. With the participation of 12 different clubs and 12 Sarpanch, lion members, Vanrai, and SSID Sanstha, this workshop was carried out successfully at Vanrai Hall, Parvati Paytha, Pune. How to develop a Village to model village in all sense was discussed by various dignitaries, Government personnel and Lion members. For this DG MJF Lion Vijay Bhandari, Yashada personnel Malina Shetty, SSID President graced the occasion. Great and valuable speech and information was given by Goverment official Mr. Pramod Kallekar who is also a UNICEF consultant.