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District Governors Message 2023

    Dear Lion Family,
    At the outset, my deep gratitude to the entire LIONS fraternity for reposing your trust and faith in me for the role of District Governor for District 3234 D2, Lionistic year 2023 – 24. I am truly humbled and privileged to assume this honorary post and extend a warm welcome to all the leaders joining in this exciting and vibrant year of fun and fellowship and my heartfelt congratulations as we stand at this significant moment of embracing the task of leading our beloved District in this lionistic year. Our beloved club LIONS, as you know, has a rich heritage, excellent record of service and dedicated membership committed to the cause of building relationships and improving the world through kindness. Today it has emerged as globally 1.4 million men and women serving together and each member feels fortunate in being a member of this very premier organization.In journey ahead, remember, every challenge we will encounter is a stepping stone towards success and every accomplishment we achieve will shape the history of our District. It's not about getting it perfect, but about getting it done with dedication, teamwork and constant improvement.I humbly request each of you for your whole hearted support through-out the journey in contributing to the nation development with best of your potential and expertise to strengthen LION even to the greater heights, even more constructive works as well as eventful. The heritage of our proud service is in our hands and it is now our responsibility not only to uphold this legacy, but to strive to add some more befitting pages to this star-studded tale. I have confidence that working collectively, we can do this. I have complete faith in each one of you and in the potential of our team. I urge you alltogether let's lead by example and move forward to an extraordinary year with renewed energy, unity and aim to rank our District to number one position in the society by extending maximum this year beneficiary District Signature Projects i.e Interactive Smart Board in Schools, Dental Clinics, Cycle Donation to SchoolChildren's, Water Storage Tanks in Schools, healthy relationship, membership growth as well as spreading peace & harmony within the district and to pave the way for an exploration of new avenues. Let's grow together, learning from each other and building a community that supports, inspires and lifts each other up. It's about leaving a lasting legacy for the next generation of leaders. My compliments to CEO Lion Sham Khandelwal, Cabinet Secretary Lion Ashokkumar Mistry & his Team and Cabinet Treasurer Lion Rajendra Goyal & his Team for their untiring efforts to publish this book-let in a very short period of time.
    With immense enthusiasm and determination, let the world witness the power of…Be the Change.!!
    Thank you & warm regards,
    MJF Ln Vijay Bhandari
    District Governor – 3234 D2
    L. Y. 2023 - 2024